Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting Started

Twin Suns Squadron was formed on October 14, 1995. It consists of two wings: Me and my wife, and my son and daughter.

In the interest of privacy, I shall refer to us in these blogs by our call signs:
My call sign is: "Wedge"
My wife's call sign is: "Jade"
My son's call sign is: "Waxer"
and my daughter's call sign is: "Stix"

I shall refer to members of this squadron by their call signs. If you are mentioned it will be by a call sign that you choose, and you will be assigned to a squadron in the fleet, if you like. Sounds funny, but some want to share, while still remaining anonymous.

Wedge--Squadron Leader

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If you wish to comment, and wish to remain anonymous, please indicate which squadron you belong to, and what your call sign is. All inapropriate comments will be dealt with