Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer Already?

The end of the Memorial Day Weekend has left me wanting just one more day to recover. I wasn't able to celebrate "Day of the Jedi" the way I'd have liked, but I guess playing Battlefront II with "Waxer" will have to be sufficient.

I got up this morning, and read my Facebook page, and learned that our family isn't the only ones who take that weekend to plant a garden, and clean house. Always good to know that you're not the only ones who are into physical punishment...(smile)

So it is officially summer...I know this because "Stix" is home with me, and I am getting absolutely nothing accomplished.

Thursday, May 21, 2009

Bummer Deal

So, I got this call from my parents. Turns out they want to come see us this summer. Unfortunately, its not gonna work. Not this summer anyway. Bummer...

Turns out that I won't be able to take the family to see The Four Jedi in July either. "Princess" (my sister) if you read this before I tell you, I'm sorry. "Jade" has a seminar that she must attend that weekend. Bummer deal.

Just a short post today.


Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The Home Stretch

So, "Waxer" had his last concert last night. It actually was really well performed! They're all sixth-graders, that's why it was so surprising. "Waxer" plays the flute. He will be learning to play the trombone this summer. He was nervous, but did well.

"Stix" gets out of school this Friday! Can't we just rewind the school year? What happened to year-round-school? Guess it will just have to be us for a while. "Waxer" and "Jade" don't get finished with their school year until next week.

"Jade" recieved a request from her boss to teach summer school in July. She has training in June, and more training near the beginning of July, so she is going to be busy this summer.

I am doing my best to force my way into UCCS this summer. I may have to get another bachelor's degree. I suppose that if I get it in English, I won't have to worry about the books. My wife has nearly all of them. I'm trying to find something that will enhance my story telling ability. I'm also looking at getting an MA degree in Communications. That should prove facinating.

Still trying to meet up with the Four Jedi in July. We're definately not going to be able to make it to the Family Reunion that is being planned for July as a birthday gift for my grandma. However, we'll do what we can to let her know that we love her, and wish we could see her.


Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Getting Started

Twin Suns Squadron was formed on October 14, 1995. It consists of two wings: Me and my wife, and my son and daughter.

In the interest of privacy, I shall refer to us in these blogs by our call signs:
My call sign is: "Wedge"
My wife's call sign is: "Jade"
My son's call sign is: "Waxer"
and my daughter's call sign is: "Stix"

I shall refer to members of this squadron by their call signs. If you are mentioned it will be by a call sign that you choose, and you will be assigned to a squadron in the fleet, if you like. Sounds funny, but some want to share, while still remaining anonymous.

Wedge--Squadron Leader