Thursday, August 27, 2009

Healthcare Reform: Drilling Holes for the Future

I am a Tri-Care recipient. Granted I only pay $115.00 per quarter for this healthcare insurance, but I am not able to choose which doctor I see. I am assigned to a team of doctors who actually never stay in the place I live for very long. I am only able to be seen on military installations, and need a referral to be seen by a specialist. Getting the referral is a beaurocratic affair in that they are reluctant to let you see a specialist who might charge more than what they are willing to cover for you.

The government already has its healthcare insurance. It’s called Medicaid. Have you ever been on Medicaid? You don’t want to be there. The places that will take Medicaid are your county health departments, located in typified buildings of a time when Franklin D. Roosevelt was President of the United States. If hospitals are bad enough, these places are typically worse. Some wouldn’t pass public health codes, yet they treat the sick and infirm? That is what social medicine looks like.

Even if the Health Department actually were able to get the manpower to do its job and inspect these places of social medicine, the situation would not be much better. Do you know of anyone who will go to Africa to get a critical procedure done? What about Russia? Cuba? OK, let’s be fair. Do you ever hear of anyone famous in the U.S.A going to Germany to get Lasik? Or have cataracts removed from their eyes? They don’t go to Great Brittan either. Why? All of these countries have one form of social medicine or another. You would think that someone like Barbara Streisand would jump at the opportunity to go to Russia to get Lasik done, if she needed it. She won’t though. Let's face it, even she doesn't really want government healthcare for herself, because she can afford the best surgeon money can buy. She, and the rest of congress, who have six figure incomes, want this program for all you poor individuals who are less fortunate than they are. At least Barbra earned her millions. The congressmen in government merely take it from you in the guise of taxes.

Let’s face it; doctors in the United States of America aspire to be the best because if they aren’t, then they do NOT GET PAID. If you know that you have to work without any form of compensation to feed your family do you work as hard? Would you work at all? Some would, but they are few and far between. Now here is the rub. You have great doctors and surgeons who will do everything they can to help their patients but can’t because someone with a business degree, with no medical background, is telling the doctor that they will not authorize the use of a CAT scan when the patient, their paying client, could have cancer. You would think that an insurance company, who is receiving a monthly check from you, would want to keep the money coming. The only way to do that is if you are alive. Dead clients don’t pay insurance! They’re dead because the insurance company would not insure the treatment. Does that make sense?

Yet here you have an insurance company that is in business, not to insure their clients for medical expenses but rather to make money, telling a doctor, who spent his money learning how to treat you for medical problems you might have, that he cannot treat you because it doesn’t want to lose money. However, we keep paying these insurance companies to do essentially nothing but fight with us as to whether a procedure was necessary in our treatment. If the Federal Government were to get involved you would have the biggest “Insurance Company”, without medical degrees, doing essentially the same thing. We already pay taxes to this government to do essentially nothing but fight with us as to whether we should be allowed to keep our Constitutional rights. Do you really want to fight with them over the matter of whether you should live or die?

“Drilling holes in his head is not the answer. The artery needs to be repaired,” explains Dr. McCoy, who would probably say the same of our healthcare system. It needs a rework, not a hole to relieve the pressure. The hole this proposed Federal Healthcare would cost us would actually be in your grand-children’s wallets. They and your grand-children’s grandchildren will be paying off this 3 Trillion dollar program and would never really see the supposed benefits because they’d all be waiting in an endless sea of people who want to see an overworked underpaid doctor. They would be standing in this line because they are too poor from being over-taxed to pay for the 3 Trillion dollar ball and chain, our Government calls a Healthcare Reform Plan, they will clamp on their collective necks if WE allow such a plan to be implimented.

Would Ted Kennedy have stayed in office so long if he were required to participate in the Social Security Program? Really, would any “Public Servant” stay in office or pass bad legislation if they were required to live by the laws they make? Would any Judge feel the need to legislate from the bench if they were required to abide by their own ruling? The Federal Government doesn’t pay into Social Security. They do not receive Social Security when they retire. Our taxes continue to pay for their pension plans, yet they have no problem stripping Ford and GM of their plans. This Healthcare Plan of theirs looks like a screen for the real problem: they need a recession-proof way of paying for all their pensions, which come with a Secret Service detail by the way, when they retire. Honestly, Federal Government involvement in healthcare would only bleed out the American economy. As if the economy could take another hit.

“What are you making in there for us, Mr. Franklin?” someone asked when the Constitution and Governmental System was being written and formed.

“A Republic, if you can keep it,” he replied.

Wake up, America! If doctors were required to take business courses they would not have to rely on insurance companies, the real ones are playing God with our lives. Let the doctors see and treat everyone. If the patient cannot pay, the doctors can merely file this in their taxes and have Uncle Sam part with a percentage of OUR hard earned money. The doctors would then have the reimbursement of out of pocket expenses. In reality, there would be no need for insurance, and no need for government involvement. Unpaid expenses would be paid by the doctor and then reimbursed by the government in a tax return. That is not government involvement. That is the way things ought to be.

Topics for discussion: Are Russia and the USA changing places when it comes to Healthcare?

Why is social medicine so important? Is it really?

What is the true nature of Medicare and Medicaid? Isn't that already a form of

Federal Insurance?